Friday, January 4, 2019

Phone a Friend Friday

Hey All! I hope your holiday's have been awesome and that you are ready for the real world to be back again :) Today is Phone a Friend Friday...So let me know what you are reading or some of your favorite that you want to recommend.


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Just One More Chapter

So far this year I am on the path to completing my 365 books! Which isn't saying much since we are only 2 days in :)

Do you ever get those days where you seem to be in a book funk? When I get those days, I go back to my favorites that I have read probably a hundred times already. One of my funk breakers is a Futuristic Gay Romance by Evangeline Anderson called Broken Boundaries. I can speed through this book in an hour and it is a good way to reset me and get back to reading other books.

I know that there are many people who do the same thing, but I want to know...What book, series, or really anything do you use to break your funk?

I really wanna know because sometimes just one more chapter can be a little hard to get through.
