Monday, December 31, 2018

A Case of the Monday's

Well today is wholly and truly Monday... It is winter break and I feel like crap. Why does this always have to happen? Bleh :(

I have been reading romance lately instead of Mystery or Thriller, but I always have a special place in my heart for Nancy Drew! This is the series that started me reading and I am slowly but surely collecting them all! There are over 200!!! That's a lot of money to spend and I want the yellow hard back ones, so it will cost me.

I always love a little bit of mystery and thriller along with my romance and other genres, so if you can let me know about some I would be stoked to check them out :)

Hope everyone is getting ready for the New Year and the new reading challenge on Goodreads! I will be starting my 365 book challenge over tomorrow, so wish me luck. A Book a Day Keeps the Boredom at Bay ;)


Sunday, December 30, 2018

Book Boyfriend of the Week

This week my Book Boyfriend comes courtesy of Leia Stone's Fallen Academy Series.

This series follows a main character, Brielle, who is a slave to the Demon world, but could change the course of fate for many people. What's a girl to do? Well save her family of course. This doesn't please Angel Blessed, Lincoln Grey, who is more than a little upset that she chose to receive her slave mark instead of fighting to be a part of the Angel Blessed community.

They start off in a tense relationship, but as time progresses the sexual tension builds! Plus how could you not start to love someone who is helping you get stronger and save your family?

I am excited to read this series again and get to know more about my Book Boyfriend, Lincoln Grey. Can't wait to see who I will drool over next week :)

Tell me who is your book boyfriend this week,


Saturday, December 29, 2018

Hot Author of the Week: RM Walker

Hello Blog-Verse! This week's Hot Author is RM Walker. She has taken some time to answer some questions for all her readers :) Let's get to know her better!

1) What or who made you want to start writing?
     I can't remember a time when I wasn't writing. From an early age I would have notebooks full of stories about things. It's been my dream since an early age to actually have my stories in print. I never thought that dream would come true until I was invited to write a short story for an anthology, Falling For Them Vol,1. From there my Seer Series was born and I've never looked back.

2) Who inspires you to keep writing?
      There's a list as long as my arm. But in short it's every author I've met online and got to know.

3) Who was your favorite character to create?
      Now that's impossible to answer. It's whoever I'm writing at the time, but in truth I love them all.

4) What are you working on right now?
     The final book in the Seer Series. A short follow on to A Tale of Sorrow, and the start of a new series called The Barmecide Society.

5) What book/s got you started reading?
      Enid Blyton. The first book I ever remember reading was The Enchanted Wood and then the Faraway Tree. It cemented a love of all things magical for me and I from there I've discovered many wonderful authors.

6) What is something fun about you that your readers don't already know?
     Oh my goodness. Something fun? Um, I can't think of anything fun. Loads of odd things. I collect rubbers. And by rubbers, I mean of the eraser type. :) And I'm a sucker for the Beanie Boo TY's with the big sparkly eyes. Oh, and I have a spider, Boris, who lives somewhere around my desk and visits occasionally.

7) If you could recommend one book, not your own, from any time period to read what would it be?
      Probably a popular one, but it would a series, and it's Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. Her books encompass so much, loyalty, bravery, excitement, learning to stand up for yourself. If not HP then it would probably be The Dark Is Rising series by Susan Cooper.

8) How can readers follow you?

Check her out,

Friday, December 28, 2018

Phone a Friend Friday

We all have those days when we can't seem to find a thing to read, even when we have like a thousand things in our TBR. I have had this problem so many times that I have created this specific day to counteract it!

This is the day to share your favorite books with the world! Comment below to let me know what I should read next.


Thursday, December 27, 2018

Throwback Thursday

It has been a while since I have read this series, but I loved it! I may have to go through it one more time. This week on Throwback Thursday I am talking about The Hunger Games!

This series has turned into a major franchise and I am not suprised. This book took us on a journey that we never expected. Katniss Everdeen is the person that many people wish they could be. If you are looking for your next great read, look no further.

Let me know what some of your older favorites are this week!


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Waiting on Wednesday...

Welcome back to your regularly scheduled programming :) While doing my 12 Days of Christmas posts, getting ready for Christmas for my family, and working I have found a great new series! All the Pretty Monsters by Kristy Cunning. This is the same author who brought us The Dark Side series. P.S. If you have read this series, I suggest you do, I LOVED it!!!

This newest series starts with the book Gypsy Blood. The main character is trying her best to deal with her mother's death when she meets the 4 local alphas. The only problem with that is, they won't let her keep her secrets, so she has to come up with a way to get theirs too. Add in a ghostly sidekick who is a pathological liar and horndog, and you have an amazingly funny storyline.

I devoured this book and I can't wait for the next book to come out! She said it should be soon, so fingers crossed!


Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Winner's Post: Days of Christmas 7-12!

Thank you everyone who participated! I had a lot of fun putting this on for you. Please remember to share so that I can do more giveaways!

Day 7: Marni Cooper
Day 8: Heather Dryer
Day 9: Heather Dryer
Day 10: Heather Dryer
Day 11: Heather Dryer
Day 12: Heather Dryer

GRAND PRIZE: Heather Dryer! Thank you for participating everyday!

I will send out the books today and the gifts after Christmas. I am going to see family for a few days, so I won't be online much :)

DivineChaos (Blogger Santa)

Monday, December 24, 2018

On the 12th Day of Christmas...

On the 12th Day of Christmas Blogger Santa gave to me... 12 reverse harems to read.

I thought it was a fitting end to my 12 Days of Christmas! The Twelve Reverse Harems of Christmas promises to be a hot compilation of holiday themed sexiness!

To win sign up to receive notifications from my blog (along the right hand side), Follow my Facebook Page, and leave a comment below.

Don't forget that if you enter into all 12 giveaways, you will also be entered into a chance to receive a $10 gift card to your retailer of choice :)

Thank you all for joining me these past 2 weeks. I hope that you had fun and won some good books and fun prizes. Make sure to stay tuned for my regular posts that will resume starting on Sunday with my Book Boyfriend of the Week. I like doing Holiday themed posts and even scavenger hunts and other fun stuff. Don't flip that channel yet.

I will be sending everthing out within the next couple of days. I will send you all the information about your prizes.

I will go through the posts the day after tomorrow to figure out who will be entered for the chance to win the $10 gift card.

Best of Luck/Merry Christmas,


Sunday, December 23, 2018

On the 11th Day of Christmas...

On the 11th Day of Christmas Blogger Santa gave to me...A Badass Dragon Hairpin!

I won't lie to you, I may or may not get a second one of these delivered to my house! This Dragon Hairpin is flipping awesome :) I think that any book reading badass with fall in love with this beauty. Whether it is for you or someone else, whoever receives this won't be disappointed.

To win sign up to receive notifications from my blog (along the right hand side), Follow my Facebook Page, and leave a comment below.

Don't forget that if you enter into all 12 giveaways, you will also be entered into a chance to receive a $10 gift card to your retailer of choice :)

Best of Luck/Merry Christmas,

DivineChaos aka Blogger Santa

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Hot Author of the Week: Jessa Lucas

This weeks Hot Author is new to me, but I am excited to get to know her :) Her name is Jessa Lucas

1) What or who made you want to start writing?
     I can't think of a specific thing that really made me "want" to do it, since I've been drawn to storytelling from a very young age! I was the kid on the playground acting out great epics about mermaids, hah! Stories have always been a way for me to process my emotions and beliefs about the world and as I got older, the craft of writing became a natural extension of that.

2) Who inspires you to keep writing?
      This is a hard question to answer, because everyone has really been so supportive. My family, my friends. I will say that the biggest high is hearing from a reader (in a review, or directly) who loves my work. That's probably the thing that spurs me forward the most!

3) Who was your favorite character to create?
      I've really loved writing about Saylor. I love her more than I ever intended to!

4) What are you working on right now?
      The Tempted Kingdom sequel, and a new vampire romance called Thirstborn! You can start the Tempted Kingdom series here while you wait :)

5) What book/s got you started reading?
     I inhaled the Nancy Drew books growing up. Narnia, Harry Potter. My all time favorite book is Ella Enchanted, though. Can't even say how many times I've read it!!

6) What is something fun about you that your readers don't already know?
     My background is in film, so most days I'm sitting in an office running auditions for indie films, tv, and commercials!

7)  If you could recommend one book, not your own, from any time period to read what would it be?
     My go-to is Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor. Her tales are so unique and her writing style is a real inspiration to me!

8) How can your readers follow you?
     Facebook Group

On the 10th Day of Christmas...

On the 10th Day of Christmas Blogger Santa gave to me... A list for my friends and me!

The Naughty List by Nicole Marie & Bella Holiday seems like the perfect place for me and my friends because let's be real, I'm about a mile from the Nice List. I don't know about you, but Naughty is so much more fun!

To win sign up to receive notifications from my blog (along the right hand side), Follow my Facebook Page, and leave a comment below.

Don't forget that if you enter into all 12 giveaways, you will also be entered into a chance to receive a $10 gift card to your retailer of choice :)

Best of Luck/Merry Christmas,

DivineChaos aka Blogger Santa

Friday, December 21, 2018

On the 9th Day of Christmas...

On the 9th Day of Christmas Blogger Santa gave to me... Smokin' Hot Firefighters just for you!

Yes, Please!!! Nothing sexier than a man with an axe....except maybe 3! I am stoked, (hehehe see what I did there), to read this book! Five Alarm Fire by Cassie Cole sounds like a smokin' hot read :)

To win sign up to receive notifications from my blog (along the right hand side), Follow my Facebook Page, and leave a comment below.

Don't forget that if you enter into all 12 giveaways, you will also be entered into a chance to receive a $10 gift card to your retailer of choice :)

Best of Luck/Merry Christmas,

DivineChaos aka Blogger Santa

Thursday, December 20, 2018

On the 8th Day of Christmas...

On the 8th Day of Christmas Blogger Santa gave to me... A way to deal with annoying family!

We all love our family, but that doesn't mean we always like them :) Sometimes we need a way to have fun and unwind during the holidays. This drinking game (alcohol not included) could bring you all closer together, or at least get you to a point where you don't care! I love drinking and playing games with my family, shenanigans ensue!

To win sign up to receive notifications from my blog (along the right hand side), Follow my Facebook Page, and leave a comment below.

Don't forget that if you enter into all 12 giveaways, you will also be entered into a chance to receive a $10 gift card to your retailer of choice :)

Best of Luck/Merry Christmas,

DivineChaos aka Blogger Santa

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Winner Post: Days of Christmas 1-6!

As of today the winners of Days 1-6 have been selected! If you will message my blog (along the right side) with your email for ebooks and/or physical address for other prizes I will get the prizes sent out. I will be emailing the books as soon as I get your email, but will be waiting until after the holidays to send so I can send fewer packages!

Day 1: Heather Dryer
Day 2: Marni Cooper
Day 3: Marni Cooper
Day 4: Heather Dryer
Day 5: Marni Cooper
Day 6: Marni Cooper

Don't forget to continue entering. I would also appreciate it if you would share this with your friends as that will allow me to do more fun things and giveaways!

DivineChaos aka Blogger Santa

On the 7th Day of Christmas...

On the 7th Day of Christmas Blogger Santa gave to me... 3 more shifters to go under the tree!

Wolves and tigers and bears, Oh My! I know I'm corny, but what are you? Today's ebook comes to us from Ariana Hawkes! Three Shifter Romance is a holiday special that I am excited to get to read.

To win sign up to receive notifications from my blog (along the right hand side), Follow my Facebook Page, and leave a comment below.

Don't forget that if you enter into all 12 giveaways, you will also be entered into a chance to receive a $10 gift card to your retailer of choice :)

Best of Luck/Merry Christmas,

DivineChaos aka Blogger Santa

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

On the 6th Day of Christmas...

On the 6th Day of Christmas Blogger Santa gave to me... A card game to play with my family!

Every Friday night, my family and I have a Family Game Night! I thought I would share this tradition with you. Uno is one of our favorites :)

To win sign up to receive notifications from my blog (along the right hand side), Follow my Facebook Page, and leave a comment below.

Don't forget that if you enter into all 12 giveaways, you will also be entered into a chance to receive a $10 gift card to your retailer of choice :)

Best of Luck/Merry Christmas,

DivineChaos aka Blogger Santa

Monday, December 17, 2018

On the 5th Day of Christmas...

On the 5th Day of Christmas Blogger Santa gave to me...A Reverse Harem Anthology!

I have a slight obsession with the reverse harem genre #whychoose! I want to share that obsession with you this holiday season :) Holidays Between the Sheets comes from a variety of amazing authors.

To win sign up to receive notifications from my blog (along the right hand side), Follow my Facebook Page, and leave a comment below.

Don't forget that if you enter into all 12 giveaways, you will also be entered into a chance to receive a $10 gift card to your retailer of choice :)

Best of Luck/Merry Christmas,

DivineChaos aka Blogger Santa

Sunday, December 16, 2018

On the 4th Day of Christmas...

On the 4th Day of Christmas Blogger Santa gave to me.... A fun way to piss off assholes!

I hate people who think that the rules don't apply to them. It seems to get worse during the holiday season. This Citation Book is for all the dumbass people who think that taking over the last 2 spots with 1 car, parking sideways, or swooping in and stealing your spot.

To win sign up to receive notifications from my blog (along the right hand side), Follow my Facebook Page, and leave a comment below.

Don't forget that if you enter into all 12 giveaways, you will also be entered into a chance to receive a $10 gift card to your retailer of choice :)

Best of Luck/Merry Christmas,

DivineChaos aka Blogger Santa

Saturday, December 15, 2018

On the 3rd Day of Christmas...

On the 3rd Day of Christmas Blogger Santa gave to me.... a brand new book by Yumoyori!

Today's gift comes to you courtesy of Yumoyori Wilson's genious! Her newest book Secret Dirty Santa just released today!

To win sign up to receive notifications from my blog (along the right hand side), Follow my Facebook Page, and leave a comment below.

Don't forget that if you enter into all 12 giveaways, you will also be entered into a chance to receive a $10 gift card to your retailer of choice :)

Best of Luck/Merry Christmas,

DivineChaos aka Blogger Santa

Hot Author of the Week: Brandy Slaven

I will still be doing the Hot Author of the Week During the 12 Days of Christmas. This week's Hot Author of the Week is Brandy Slaven :)

1) What or who made you want to start writing?
     I've always wanted to write, but I didn't pick it up until I needed the stress relief back in 2011. I wasn't in a very happy place, and writing helped.

2) Who inspires you to keep writing?
      Honestly? The people who love my work. If it weren't for them, I never would published anymore stories.

3) Who was your favorite character to create?
     That's like picking a favorite child. I love all of my characters. Mel from my first Lady of Darkness book holds a special place in my heart, because she was my first to be read by the world.

4) What are you working on right now?
     The third book in my White Trash Trilogy, Reclaiming Kendall

5) What book/s got you started reading?
      I've been reading since the day that I could. Little House on the Prairie, Harry Potter, Ronald Dahl were some of my favorites as a kid.

6) What is something fun about you that your readers don't already know?
      I love to talk in movie quotes in real life, and I'm a huge zombie nerd.

7) If you could recommend one book, not your own, from any time period to read what would it be?
      Oh wow, I have so many. 1. Savages by Don Winslow 2. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King 3. Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas 4. Black Dagger Brotherhood Series by J.R. Ward 5. Dark Hunter Series by Sherrilyn Kenyon....and so many more. You can find most of what I've read with my ratings on Goodreads.

8) How can your readers follow you?

Friday, December 14, 2018

On the 2nd Day of Christmas...

On the 2nd Day of Christmas Blogger Santa gave to me... a reindeer bathbomb just for me!

Let's not lie, I am putting this on here because it was stinkin' cute :) This Reindeer Bathbomb was adorable and I had to share it with you all.

To win sign up to receive notifications from my blog (along the right hand side), Follow my Facebook Page, and leave a comment below.

Don't forget that if you enter into all 12 giveaways, you will also be entered into a chance to receive a $10 gift card to your retailer of choice :)

Best of Luck/Merry Christmas,

DivineChaos aka Blogger Santa

Thursday, December 13, 2018

On the 1st Day of Christmas...

On the 1st Day of Christmas Blogger Santa gave to me....A Dragon to go under your tree!

Hello all! Blogger Santa here :) We are going to start this shindig off with a book that speaks to my heart! I LOVE dragons. I think they are they shiz (hehehe). Dragon XMas Miracle by Maia Starr fit my bill of holiday themed sexiness!!! Hope you will love it.

To win sign up to receive notifications from my blog (along the right hand side), Follow my Facebook Page, and leave a comment below.

Don't forget that if you enter into all 12 giveaways, you will also be entered into a chance to receive a $10 gift card to your retailer of choice :)

Best of Luck/Merry Christmas,

DivineChaos aka Blogger Santa

Sunday, December 9, 2018

12 Days of Christmas

This year I have decided to do a 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway. Instead of my usual post I will be giving away something holiday related :) It could be a book, jewelry, or something funny that I found.

December 13, 2018- December 24, 2018

Rules to Enter:
1) Must be signed up to win. Please sign up to follow me :)
2) Comment & Share

If you do all 12 days, you will be entered into a drawing for a $10 Amazon/Barnes & Noble Gift Card :) (Dealer's Choice)

Merry Christmas,


Saturday, December 8, 2018

Hot Author of the Week: Yumoyori Wilson

Hey everybody! This week I have a special guest author who answered some questions for us to get to know them a little bit better! The Hot Author of the Week is Yumoyori Wilson. Follow and leave a comment and I will pick 3 people to win a copy of the 3 books featured in this post!

1) What or who made you want to start writing?
     An author I looked up to read my old fanfic and said I had potential. Once I gained the confidence, she helped me figure out the ropes and I dove right into it.

2) Who inspires you to keep writing?
     My readers. They really do help me push through, even when there are times where I really don't feel like writing or don't think my writing is good enough.

3) Who was your favorite character to create?
     My very first character, Makoto. She's still dear to my heart, maybe because she's my first, but she was what I really wanted in a character and she did not disappoint.

4) What are you working on right now?
     I'm currently working on two holiday books- Celestia Christmas and Secret Dirty Santa. They're both due on early next week so I really gotta get cracking.

5) What book/s got you started reading?
     Lots of RH books and paranormal romance. I loveee PNR a lot. As long as there's romance, I really don't care, but I know when I was younger, my favorite book was Twilight.

6) What is something fun about you that your readers don't already know?
     That's pretty hard. I love making people laugh so I think that's a fun characteristc in general. I think it shows more in person than through my writing, but I try. hehehe.

7)  If you could recommend one book, not your own, from any time period to read what would it be?
     Nemisis by Elle Cross

8) How can your readers follow you? (click the link to follow)
     Facebook Page
     Facebook Group

Friday, December 7, 2018

Phone a Friend Friday

Tell me what you are reading right now!!! I need more books for my list ;)


Thursday, December 6, 2018

Throwback Thursday

It gets harder and harder every week to come up with something to post about from 10 years ago! My cousin recently introduced me to a series that started over 10 years ago that I thought I would share with you all :)

Lora Leigh's series A Novel of the Breeds starts with Megan's Mark. In the first book of her erotic new series, Lora Leigh invites you to an intriguing world where genetically altered Breeds and the humans who created them commingle—and sometimes cross the boundaries of desire…

Cursed with the extraordinary power to feel other peoples’ emotions, Megan Fields has tucked herself away in a remote corner of New Mexico, working as a small-town sheriff’s deputy. She finds solace in the silence and heat of the desert. But when Breeds begin dying on her watch, Megan realizes that the secrets from her past can’t stay buried forever. Someone is out for blood—her blood.
An arrogant Feline Breed, Braden Arness broods with feral intensity. His mission to solve the mysterious murders brings him to Megan, a woman who accosts his senses like no other. Only with him can she let down her guard—and surrender to the insatiable hunger that wracks her body. But as they team up to hunt the elusive killers, Braden and Megan find themselves becoming the prey…

Let me know what you haven't thought about in a while, but love!


Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Waiting on Wednesday

It is always a struggle to think of a book to put on this post. There are so many different books that I am waiting on. This week is no different :( So instead of doing just one, I will give you the top 2 that I am stoked to read as soon as they come out.

I am waiting on the second book in the Divinly Damned Series. I read the first book The Arbiter by K.B. Everly and Brandy Slaven and I absolutely loved it. I am not so patiently waiting for her to announce when the second book will be coming out.

My 2nd book that I am not so patiently waiting for is the 6th book in The Vampire Queen series. I got started reading Joely Sue Burkharts books with Queen Takes Knights. I LOVED the book and have been hooked ever since. I can't wait for the next one :)

Let me know what you are waiting for ;)


Review: All or Nothing

All or Nothing All or Nothing by Macy Blake
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mmmmmm, gotta love so many smexy men!

Draco is a grumbly hunk of a man and Sawyer loves it! They will both go on an adventure when they meet the new neighbors. 3 more sexy men and a bomb that gets dropped on Sawyer's life results in some magic happening. What's a man to do when presented with so many options? Taste all the flavors of course! This will be one wild ride, but I'm sure that more great stuff is coming to Sawyer and his men.

View all my reviews

Review: Fae Like Me: A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy

Fae Like Me: A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy Fae Like Me: A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy by Lucy Auburn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What's a girl to do?

College finals, a party, and murder? This story starts with all the elements to make it truly amazing. Selena must do everything she. An to solve the murder and help her friend all while trying to figure out who she is. I am excited to see where this story goes! Hopefully the next book answers some of the questions I have and let's Selena explore more of her succubus side!

View all my reviews

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Just One More Chapter...

I have been a part of a Facebook Group called Reverse Harem Readers for about a year now and I am always getting the best recommendations from them :)

This is my most recent recommendation, and yes it went straight to the top of my TBR pile! Gifted Connections by SM Olivier. This is about a group of people who have special abilities. The stronger of these people have a what is called a connection with usually 1 or 2 other people, but the MC has 6! What an adventure she is going on trying to juggle them all.

I couldn't stop at just the first book, I had to get the 2nd and read Just One More Chapter...


Monday, December 3, 2018

A Case of the Monday's

One of my favorite books turned into a movie is Dan Brown's Angels & Demons. It has been a while since I have read this book, but I may have to pull it off my shelf downstairs! I fell in love with Dan Brown's books many years ago when my hubby brought one home for me. It soon became an obsession.

If you have not read any of Dan Brown's work I highly recommend you pick up a book, really any of his books, now!

Let me know what mystery or thriller you are reading :)


Sunday, December 2, 2018

Book Boyfriend of the Week

This week's my book boyfriend comes from a book that I have read a couple of times, but can never seem to get enough of, King by T.M. Frazier.

"His tight black wife-beater showcased the ripples of his impressive muscular frame. A myriad of colorful tattoos decorated one side of his neck, chest and shoulders, continuing all the way down both arms to the backs of his hands and knuckles. He wore bracelets that weren't actually bracelets at all, but leather belts with metal studs wrapped around his wrists and forearms. Dark hair cropped close to his head, a black stud in each ear. A white scar through his right eyebrow. Stubble on his square jaw that was more than a few days past needing a shave". T.M. Frazier does an amazing job describing his outlaw vibe, but that is not all King is.

King is also very loyal and goes after what or who he wants. He will do anything for those who he considers family. This is the type of man that I like to read about. He is by no means a good man, but he has his moments :)

Tell me your book boyfriend for this week!


Saturday, December 1, 2018

Phone a Friend Friday

This post is all about you telling me what you are reading or are excited to read.

Ready, Set, GO!
